Scale your apps on Google Cloud

without any DevOps experience

Shipmate lets developers fall in love with Google's managed cloud services by handing all configuration on your behalf.

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Join +1400 developers
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Why Google Cloud?

Most businesses that start on Heroku or their own servers end up moving to a managed cloud service like Google Cloud.

Your own servers

Your own VPS or Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean, AWS, Linode, etc.

Hosting complexity

Can your servers handle fluctuations in traffic? Are your servers protected against security breaches?

Regular downtime

Pay for over-provisioned servers that are idle most of the time or suffer downtime during peak periods.

Permanent stress

Your application goes offline in the middle of the night. Guess who's getting woken up? You.

Google Cloud

Fully-managed cloud services that run on Google's scalable infrastructure.

Focus on writing code

Outsource your server maintenance and 2AM wake-up calls to a team of experts.

Handle traffic spikes

Provide a seamless user experience at all times with on-demand auto-scaling.

Reduce hosting costs

Only pay for the exact hosting services you use, with pay-per-request billing.

Minimize downtime

Run your apps on one of the most secure and reliable clouds in the world.

Customize as you scale

Keep complete control over your infrastructure and customize whenever you need.

Hosting platform

Heroku, Render, Vercel, Fly, DigitalOcean App Platform, etc.


Up to 6 times as expensive as Google Cloud once you need some scale.

One size fits all

There is no way to customize your hosting infrastructure.

No control

The reputation of your business lies in the hands of someone else.

Why Shipmate?

Deploy full-stack applications in minutes

Instead of spending weeks learning all the ins-and-outs of the cloud, Shipmate lets you define your applications using high-level building blocks and then installs them on your Google Cloud account.

Your code

Run your own frontend and backend services built with PHP, JavaScript, Python, Go or Node.js.

Google Cloud Run

Your Dockerfile

If your service is built with a different technology, you can deploy it using your own Dockerfile.

Google Cloud Run

HTTPS endpoint

Expose your application through a secure HTTPS endpoint with a custom domain.

Google Cloud Load balancing


Securely store and query data in a MySQL or Redis database.

Google Cloud SQL & Memorystore

Storage bucket

Store static assets and large files in an S3-compatible filesystem.

Google Cloud Storage

Job queue

Improve your application's responsiveness by queueing time-consuming jobs.

Google Cloud Tasks

Cron job

Schedule recurring jobs at regular intervals.

Google Cloud Scheduler

Message queue

Decouple your services with asynchronous event-based communication.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub


Deliver images, audio clips and videos lightning fast around the globe.

Google Cloud CDN

An interface for every type of developer

Deploy from our visual builder ...

Shipmate's visual web builder allows you to deploy your apps without any DevOps experience. All complexity is hidden behind simple forms and beautiful visualizations.

Shipmate screenshot
Configuration as code

... or from your beloved code editor

Shipmate stores its configuration in the Git repository of your application, hooks into your Git workflow and automatically deploys every change you make in your code editor.

  type: php:1.0
    path_to_source_code: /backend
    php_version: 8.2
    JOB_QUEUE_NAME: {{ }}
    JOB_QUEUE_URL: {{ job_queues.reporting.url }}
    DATABASE_URL: {{ mysql_databases.mysql.url }}

  - name: reporting
    timeout: 600

  - name: generate_reports
    schedule: 0 0 * * *
    command: php ./scripts/generate-reports.php

  - name: mysql
Preview environments

Streamline your testing and feedback process

Test new features and bug fixes in short-lived preview environments that mirror your production setup.

Shipmate screenshot

Release features faster

Multiple features can be tested independently from each other, resulting in more frequent releases.

Get better feedback

Getting an early prototype in the hands of your users leads to better feedback and ultimately a better product.

Ship less bugs

Catch bugs before they are released by testing new features under production-like conditions.


All the data you need
available at a glance

Google Cloud costs

Daily usage reports and end-of-month forecasts per project.

Health checks

Regular health checks helping you quickly find disrupted services.


A real-time stream of your application logs helping you debug.


Beautiful graphs helping you understand how your application behaves.

Developers ♥ Shipmate

Loved by +1400 developers

Since switching to Google Cloud, we have seen a tremendous improvement in our application's performance and uptime. Our customers are happier than ever, and we can focus on developing our software instead of worrying about server maintenance.

Project manager

Choosing serverless hosting was the best decision we made for our startup. It provides us with scalable infrastructure and round-the-clock support. With Shipmate taking care of all the configuration, we can focus on scaling our business and reaching new customers.

Software engineer

Shipmate has completely transformed our release cycle. No more delays due to conflicts and staging bottlenecks. With independent test environments for every pull request, we cut our delivery time by several weeks to days!

Release manager

Switching to serverless hosting unlocked rapid growth for our startup. We seamlessly handled a 2400% increase in users, and our revenue doubled within just three months. A must-have for any startup!

Startup founder

Ever since we started using Shipmate, our shipping speed has gone through the roof! With the additional feedback from our customers, we're able to crank out new features like never before.

Development team lead

Thanks to Shipmate, I can sleep at night knowing I have an extra pair of eyes looking out for my business.

Startup founder

Thanks to our serverless hosting infrastructure, our application achieved 99.99% uptime. During a major event, we effortlessly scaled resources to handle a 10-fold increase in traffic. This reliability boost finally earned us the trust of some enterprise clients.

Co-founder and CTO

Google Cloud Run supercharged our application's performance. During a massive product launch, our response time remained under 200 milliseconds, resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement. Our customers loved the seamless experience!

Software engineer

Shipmate managed to bridge the gab between developers and the complex world of the Cloud. Our devs are thrilled – they're like kids in a candy store.

Project manager

Shipmate's preview environments have significantly improved the quality of our releases. We have experienced a 65% reduction in bug reports, saving us valuable time and resources.

Digital product manager

Indicators that Shipmate
is right for your team

You prefer writing code over managing hosting infrastructure
You don't have the resources to hire a cloud engineer
You don't want to leave anything to chance when it comes to security
You struggle to keep your application fast and responsive
You are afraid a spike in traffic will ruin your reputation
Your overprovisioned infrastructure costs you lots of money
How quickly you ship is existential to your business
Releases are held up in static staging branches
You want to test new features but have no easy way to do so

Start Shipping with Shipmate

Fall in love with the managed hosting services of Google Cloud without having to become a DevOps expert.

App screenshot